
“I get up every morning determined to both change the world and have one hell of a good time. Sometimes this makes planning my day difficult.”  ― E.B. White

I’m not often successful at either one of these, let alone both, but that’s my idea of a perfect day.

I have a thing for words.  I’ve always wanted to write The Great American Novel but my attention span doesn’t seem to last longer than a single page, so mostly I write poetry, and now this blog.  I’m funny; but my poetry often is not (though, sometimes it’s funny when I don’t mean it to be, but I digress).  I adore language and word-play; and, I have a thing for the words of others too, so I will occasionally post quotes that strike my fancy. And since we all know a picture is worth a thousand words, I’ll post some pictures now and then too. So if I’m successful, this blog will read like a cross between The Bloggess, Mary Oliver, and Goodreads quotes.  If you’re familiar with any or all of them keep reading, this is for you! And if you’re not, you too should keep reading, because this will be an amazing new experience; it will complete you, it will be better than chocolate-covered sex.  Or maybe just a chocolate kiss.

And who am I?  I am Other Mary, which is how my blog’s title, In Other Words, came about. “Just how did I become ‘Other Mary’?” you may wonder.  Once upon a time I linked onto a site with writing prompts using my first name, Mary.  I was about number 30-something to link up, and I noticed someone else called Mary had linked a poem before me.  She wrote to me suggesting I change my name, since both of us with the same name would be confusing, and she had been there first.  Of course she was right, but in a pinch, my wildly creative mind could come up with nothing but “Other Mary.”  Then I decided I kinda liked it. And so here I am, that Other Mary blogging In Other Words.

And just in case you’re curious, here are a few very random facts about me:

-I am left handed.  Very left handed.

-Doctor Who is my hero, and I have an almost-life-sized TARDIS in my sun room.

-I’m a nerd, but not good enough with computers to be a geek. *Note: If you are concerned about my definitions of “nerd” and “geek” you are likely one, or both, of them as well.

-I really try not to take life, or myself, too seriously.

-Sometimes I am overwhelmed by words.

-Occasionally I stop and wonder, “What would a normal person do in this situation?”

-I’d love some companions to exchange words with, so I hope you join me for some laughs, pics and thoughts, from a slightly skewed view.

33 thoughts on “About

  1. Hi Mary,
    I’ve nominated you for the Very inspiring blogger award. If you choose to accept, which I hope you will you need to follow 4 rules. 1. Thank the blogger who nominated you. 2. List the rules and display the award. 3. Share seven facts about yourself. 4. Nominate (15) other amazing blogs and comment on their blog to let them know you nominated them. Good luck in your writing journey.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Hi Susie, thank you for the nomination. I’m not sure if I’m going to do the award thing or not yet. I’ve had a crazy week outside my computer, and haven’t been around, but I will be back soon. I do appreciate the nomination though, and I’ll be back to check out your blog and post soon.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Darn it! I was going to nominate you! Um..a…okay…clears throat…Is this on?….I have nominated you for the Very Inspiring Blogger Award. If you choose to accept, which I hope you will, you need to follow 4 rules. 1. Thank the blogger who nominated you. 2. List the rules and display the award (Not sure how to display the award? Google Very Inspiring Blogger Award, pick one you like, save it/download it to your computer, upload to WordPress. Place in text or image widget or embed in post or both). 3. Share seven facts about yourself. 4. Nominate (15) other amazing blogs and comment on their blog to let them know you nominated them. Good luck in your blogging endeavors.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I have nominated you for a photo challenge called the Four Elements Photo Challenge. You would pick a photo best describing each of the four elements. NO pressure here if you want to do it great if no time okay too. Hope all is well with you.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Thanks Donna. I would like to do it, but it might not be right away. I’m having a small mob over for Easter and tryin to write a poem a day for the month of April. Once the dust settles from Easter I should be able to though. Thanks for thinking of me. Hope you have a great Easter if you celebrate it. If not then hope you have a great weekend!


  4. This was just what I needed tonight–something to compliment my fatigued delirium. You sound delightful indeed, and I’m so tempted to just call you “Other”, as though Mary is your last name–but that’s probably crossing some boundary, so I won’t….. I think I’ll just click “Follow” and get out of your hair for now….

    Liked by 2 people

  5. I like the way you’ve done your ‘About’ section. I particularly approve of “-I really try not to take life, or myself, too seriously”
    I really try not to take life too! 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

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