NaPoWriMo – Day #20 – Catch Up Day!


I have a lot of dreams,
where I’m lost
and I can’t get to
wherever it is I need to be

things come up
complications –
baroque and convoluted

I’m off on a tangent
trying to fix
or solve some puzzle
and meanwhile
getting no closer
to where I’m meant to be


We are tired
of staying home
of our own company
we are sick and tired
of hand washing and masks
soon we will be sick to death


I planted a garden
I tilled the soil
until it was broken up fine
then I raked it smooth

I use the
broken handle
of a hoe
to space my rows

To make the rows straight
I use two stakes with
a piece of string
tied between them

I planted a row of
Sweet Ann peas
next to that
Red Bliss potatoes
(because who doesn’t want a little more bliss in her life?)
next Little Finger carrots
Detroit Dark Red beets
(though I live in Wisconsin)
and Mixed Heirloom leaf lettuce

Now I wait
and weed
and watch for miracles

May 5

Sunday morning,
May sunshine
through the windows.
there is a new
to the air.
The breeze sings
in soft tones,
drawing us out,
urging us
to reach
for the sun.
Join the chorus
and sing.
This is a time
for birthing,
for growing
for beginnings.
This is a day to
be alive.

NaPoWriMo #29

This morning the birds sing me awake
to a lightening sky,
when ,a month ago,
the moon waited to greet me
before leaving in silence.

Today there is green
where all was gray and black
just yesterday.
Pink and yellow tulips
have appeared out of the dirt
and before them
purple and yellow and white
snow drop flowers
so delicate, yet so sturdy.

We call this spring,
but let us not forget
it is also a myriad of miracles

I feel like this needs work, but that will have to be after NaPoWriMo. Hope you all are having a fruitful day. And for those of you also committed to write a poem each day of April, we’re almost there!!