Sepia Tea


We dress in Sunday’s best
sitting in the front room.
Your helpmeet serves
weak tea
while I fantasize
of rich, dark coffee

The low sun tumbles through
the open window
dazzling, on the glass-topped table
and silver-plated flat-ware

Outside, the dancing
sparkling surface of the lake
draws my gaze
Although I long
for its cool depths


This is for the Real Toads.

Image is The Cup by Adolf de Meyer, 1912. Fair Use Principles

Autumnal Equinox – FF55


Light and shadows dance
through the ages
flashing, winking, spinning

And now the time begins
when shadows enfold the light
when we turn
to darker thoughts
with shorter days
and colder nights
when blossoms are spent
and fruits have ripened

The growing season is over
prepare your garden
prepare your soul
winter is on the way

This is for Joy, who has resurrected FF55 at Verse Escape.  Go there and see what it’s all about.  (Photo is by me.)