NaPoWriMo #3 – A Small Sampling of My Constant Obsession with Time

Where do the days go?

Is there a big bin

filling up with all of my spent days?

Can I dig through them

and pull out one or another

special one

to review, relive?

Can I pull out one

that wasn’t much used,

like a piece of paper,

and write on it


So as not to be


Or do all the days

just drop away

falling out of


April’s Fool

I am a fool

for the rain

for grey, cloudy skies

and wind blowing.

Give me a book and a chair

and a cup of something warm

and a cat or a dog to sit with me,

and I can’t think of a more pleasant way

to spend an afternoon.

Give me a rainy day.

Give me a storm.

Give me a book.

That’s all I ask.                                             

NaPoWriMo – Day #30!

April bows out
leaving so prettily
though yesterday
was rainy, cold and gray

starts this day,
insects flit and buzz everywhere,
and the pigeons low cooing
continues until dusk

Sun and wind and greening grass,
clean smell of growing things
and freshly turned earth
promise gardens of delight
to come
The flowers of May
the fruits of June
and August’s bounty
drying, dying into autumn

We made it!  Congratulations to everyone who wrote 30 poems in 30 days during the month of April!  Well done, you!

NaPoWriMo – Day #23

I walked up the hill
past the old climbing tree
and down the path
into the woods.
There is a deep layer
of dead, brown leaves
from last year,
maybe several years.
They crunch under foot,
like walking through skeletons.
Yet, the buds on the trees
are swelling, greening.
This is not morbid,
it simply is
the way things are,
life and death together.
our insistence
on separating the two,
on fearing and denying death
is what’s abnormal.

NaPoWriMo – Day #21

Today I will
fight against the chaos
of the world

today I will

today I will

today I will

today I will
a garden

today I will
food, blood, thanks

I am trying to concentrate on what I can do, not what is beyond my control.  This isn’t quite right, but within the constraints of NaPoWriMo I will publish it, and hopefully come back to work on it sometime later.

NaPoWriMo – Day #20 – Catch Up Day!


I have a lot of dreams,
where I’m lost
and I can’t get to
wherever it is I need to be

things come up
complications –
baroque and convoluted

I’m off on a tangent
trying to fix
or solve some puzzle
and meanwhile
getting no closer
to where I’m meant to be


We are tired
of staying home
of our own company
we are sick and tired
of hand washing and masks
soon we will be sick to death


I planted a garden
I tilled the soil
until it was broken up fine
then I raked it smooth

I use the
broken handle
of a hoe
to space my rows

To make the rows straight
I use two stakes with
a piece of string
tied between them

I planted a row of
Sweet Ann peas
next to that
Red Bliss potatoes
(because who doesn’t want a little more bliss in her life?)
next Little Finger carrots
Detroit Dark Red beets
(though I live in Wisconsin)
and Mixed Heirloom leaf lettuce

Now I wait
and weed
and watch for miracles

NaPoWriMo – Day #17

Somehow my baby
turned thirty
last week

and her big brother
will be thirty-two
next month

Once I thought the
sleepless, pacing nights
would never end

as I carried one
then the other
trying to sing away
and colic

But I closed my eyes
and dozed off
and somehow my baby
turned thirty
last week

This is for Hedgewitch’s FF55 Verse Escape