Just for Today

Today I want to go for a ride
and visit Pam or Kate.

I want to drink lemonade
with real sugar.

I want stroll
and window-shop
while holding your hand,
as though life were simple.

I want to laugh and drive fast
and not think of consequences.

Just for today
I want to be happy.


55 words for Joy’s Verse Escape.


Once when I walked
through town.
People were busy living.
Streets were filled with cars,
sidewalks dotted with people.
Everyone was on the way
to somewhere else

Except for me.
I was just walking
and watching

Now, an occasional car
slips past,
sidewalks are empty.
The people are gone

except for me.
I’m just walking
and watching


This is for Hedgewitch’s Friday 55 at Verse Escape.



FF55 – Black and Blue

There is no
Officer Friendly
in George’s neighborhood.

neither has worked.
Gandhi would be dismayed.
How can MLK RIP
with his dream
still such a long way off?

Does our hope
for justice
in a video camera
that shows the horror of
to ourselves
in a world on fire?

RIP Mr. Floyd

This is for Hedgewitch’s Friday 55 at Verse Escape.

NaPoWriMo – Day #17

Somehow my baby
turned thirty
last week

and her big brother
will be thirty-two
next month

Once I thought the
sleepless, pacing nights
would never end

as I carried one
then the other
trying to sing away
and colic

But I closed my eyes
and dozed off
and somehow my baby
turned thirty
last week

This is for Hedgewitch’s FF55 Verse Escape


Sometimes I feel
as if my mother’s story
got lost

She was
an only child
and that singularity
is a two-sided beast

Of course it allowed her
the freedom
to tell her story
any way she liked
without contradiction
or interruption

But it also left her
with the burden
of carrying that story alone


This is for Hedgie, keeper of Galen’s Friday 55, at Verse Escape.


I hold the disk of the moon
under my tongue
and count to one hundred
I feel it dissolve
as the silvery coolness
slips down my throat
curls in my belly
I swallow the moon
then keep her wisdom
in my blood
under my skin
no one knows
but they can see
I am radiant

You might want to take a peek at Verse Escape.



These are times of unmaking
systems fall into disrepair
entropy has her way

birds fall from the skies
buds freeze, curled tight
their potential never sprung

socks and gloves
fall out with their mates
leave without saying goodbye

things fall apart
clocks stop
dishes break

the mirror shows
only empty spaces
and faces without hope


These 55 words are for Joy at Verse Escape, where she carries on the grand tradition of the G-man.

6. Inscrutable


The inscrutable face
behind the mask
holds all
things in
all people out

legal issues
to sort through

no fuss
in its proper place

the curtain
pulling strings

a reflection
of an empty room
an empty space
an empty life
an empty face
behind the mask

This is linked to Verse Escape, FF55 and the Imaginary Garden with Real Toads.
The image is an Elizabeth Arden advertising photo by Aldoph de Meyer, 1927, Fair Use>

Letter to My Love

I love you
you have
in with
the wrong crowd
They don’t care
about you
or your children

in shiny suits
lie and call it truth

With fast talk and small words
They steal your treasures
your reputation
your dignity

Orange is the new
black and blue

I weep for you


This is written for Verse Escape and for dVerse.

How Many More?

I know
people kill people.
I know laws cannot
be enforced.
I know there are
people with mental illness.
I know
this country has
a second amendment.
And I know money speaks.

But I also know
seventeen more souls
have been ripped
from their lives
seventeen more families

And I wonder
how many more?

I am sick that I have cause to write this.  It is for Friday 55 at Verse Escape where Hedgewitch honors the late, great G-Man, by having us write exactly 55 words each Friday.