
Endings break my heart


But sometimes

they can’t come

fast enough.

Nothing new can start

until there has been

an ending.

This is not profound

or deep

it’s so simple

we forget


To live

to love

to grow –

we need endings

before we can do any

of these

And without these

we are nothing 


Early April, and warm enough

to keep the windows open overnight

and so we wake to birdsong,

which is more of a repeated chirrup

than a song.

It reminds me of a dripping faucet

if the droplets sounded sharp.

Still, the air feels mild

and smells of rain.

This is spring – gentle, yet sharp.

Sunday Morning Thoughts

Take a walk around the lake
and think about things

Not your heart rate
or your calories burned
but the things you push out

of your mind
all the rest of the time

Like where have all
the years gone

how much time have you
exchanged for cash

and when will you begin
to live?

Friday 55 – Early Morning

It’s a quarter to five,

still dark outside

and I can’t sleep.

There’s a perfect half moon

and a sky full of stars.

An owl hoots.

I can’t tell if the moon

is waxing or waning.

Waiting for the coffee to brew

I can’t tell if I

am waxing or waning.

Just another long day.  

Just for Today

Today I want to go for a ride
and visit Pam or Kate.

I want to drink lemonade
with real sugar.

I want stroll
and window-shop
while holding your hand,
as though life were simple.

I want to laugh and drive fast
and not think of consequences.

Just for today
I want to be happy.


55 words for Joy’s Verse Escape.

Friday 55 – Unexpected

My husband is on Facebook now.
He shares pictures of kittens
with me
and shows me posts with
funny tee shirts
and dad jokes.
This is rather like
watching a
prong-horned antelope
having high tea
or a construction worker
using doilies on the handles
of his jack hammer

Not wrong, exactly,
just very…


Once when I walked
through town.
People were busy living.
Streets were filled with cars,
sidewalks dotted with people.
Everyone was on the way
to somewhere else

Except for me.
I was just walking
and watching

Now, an occasional car
slips past,
sidewalks are empty.
The people are gone

except for me.
I’m just walking
and watching


This is for Hedgewitch’s Friday 55 at Verse Escape.



NaPoWriMo – Day #20 – Catch Up Day!


I have a lot of dreams,
where I’m lost
and I can’t get to
wherever it is I need to be

things come up
complications –
baroque and convoluted

I’m off on a tangent
trying to fix
or solve some puzzle
and meanwhile
getting no closer
to where I’m meant to be


We are tired
of staying home
of our own company
we are sick and tired
of hand washing and masks
soon we will be sick to death


I planted a garden
I tilled the soil
until it was broken up fine
then I raked it smooth

I use the
broken handle
of a hoe
to space my rows

To make the rows straight
I use two stakes with
a piece of string
tied between them

I planted a row of
Sweet Ann peas
next to that
Red Bliss potatoes
(because who doesn’t want a little more bliss in her life?)
next Little Finger carrots
Detroit Dark Red beets
(though I live in Wisconsin)
and Mixed Heirloom leaf lettuce

Now I wait
and weed
and watch for miracles

NaPoWriMo – Day #3

Between the clouds
and the ground
and the leafless trees
I see 12 different
shades of gray

As dusk begins
to settle
the daytime
folds in upon itself

Without sun
or moon
in sight
there are no shadows,
but the grays
blend and deepen

A coyote’s lonely call
in the thick, dark air

This is for National Potery Month/ NaPoWriMo, and is linked to Verse Escape where the amazing Hedgewitch is doing extra duty with FF55 each week in April.


Hope – 55

Does hope really
have feathers?

Or is it green
and vulnerable
up from the ground?

Or is it a tiny speck of light
like the occasional spot
in a photograph
not visible
through the lens
but there on the image

Or is hope a dark
insubstantial thing
following like a shadow
hunting you down


55 words for Hedgewitch who carries on the proud tradition at Verse Escape.