Friday 55 – Super Secret

I keep my cool incognito
sort of like Clark Kent.

No one knows that I 
am the ultimate badass.

I hide it under layers of flannel
and grey hair. 

I hide it very well
but take no chances 

so occasionally I throw in 
a klutzy move or
an awkward encounter.

No one suspects a thing.	

Just for Today

Today I want to go for a ride
and visit Pam or Kate.

I want to drink lemonade
with real sugar.

I want stroll
and window-shop
while holding your hand,
as though life were simple.

I want to laugh and drive fast
and not think of consequences.

Just for today
I want to be happy.


55 words for Joy’s Verse Escape.

Knitting – 55


I am a beginner
but already enchanted
with the beautiful
colors and
of yarn

the way it slips
through the needles,
the feel of it on my fingers
and the repetition

knit, knit, purl
purl, purl, knit, purl
over and over
like a meditation,

the clicking of needles
a mantra

and creating

Friday 55 – Unexpected

My husband is on Facebook now.
He shares pictures of kittens
with me
and shows me posts with
funny tee shirts
and dad jokes.
This is rather like
watching a
prong-horned antelope
having high tea
or a construction worker
using doilies on the handles
of his jack hammer

Not wrong, exactly,
just very…

FF55 – Black and Blue

There is no
Officer Friendly
in George’s neighborhood.

neither has worked.
Gandhi would be dismayed.
How can MLK RIP
with his dream
still such a long way off?

Does our hope
for justice
in a video camera
that shows the horror of
to ourselves
in a world on fire?

RIP Mr. Floyd

This is for Hedgewitch’s Friday 55 at Verse Escape.

NaPoWriMo – Day #17

Somehow my baby
turned thirty
last week

and her big brother
will be thirty-two
next month

Once I thought the
sleepless, pacing nights
would never end

as I carried one
then the other
trying to sing away
and colic

But I closed my eyes
and dozed off
and somehow my baby
turned thirty
last week

This is for Hedgewitch’s FF55 Verse Escape

NaPoWriMo – Day #3

Between the clouds
and the ground
and the leafless trees
I see 12 different
shades of gray

As dusk begins
to settle
the daytime
folds in upon itself

Without sun
or moon
in sight
there are no shadows,
but the grays
blend and deepen

A coyote’s lonely call
in the thick, dark air

This is for National Potery Month/ NaPoWriMo, and is linked to Verse Escape where the amazing Hedgewitch is doing extra duty with FF55 each week in April.


Communicating with the Dead, in 55

I imagined
communicating with the dead
was shrouded
in mystery

But it’s not

It’s a note
in his handwriting
tucked into a favorite book

it’s the smell of
his closet

it’s the work gloves
still stiff with
the shape of his hands

Communication with the dead
is small, common

pretty much
one way


This is a 55 word version of a longer piece I’ve been noodling with for FF 55 hosted by Hedgewitch, with a tip of the hat to Galen.  Click on the link to go to her blog, Verse Escape, and join the fun!

NaPoWriMo #12

I am no physicist
but I know about time
I know how it changes
how it bends
and folds
I know it’s not a constant
but races, then
stops and
pools at one’s feet
then scampers ahead
I know how it can deceive

What I don’t know
about time is
how to spend
it wisely

Wordless – 55

There are
things older than words
dark, feral things
without form
that gather in my mind
and crowd my throat
pushing down
against the back of my tongue

Or, at times, they rest
thick and heavy
in the ends of my fingers
and the tip of my pen
as I try to write

even now.


Once upon a time, a wise man named Galen began writing 55 words on Fridays.  And he invited others to joined him.  Then one, sad day he left us.  But a good witch, Hedgewitch, took up the 55 and carried it for as long as she could.
I think of these people every time I manage to coax 55 words from wherever it is they come from.