Some Twaddle about Spring – NaPoWriMo #11

Last week

we had a foot of snow;

heavy snow that broke tree branches.

And yet, my tulips, halfway up,

and Scilla, already blooming,

covered by that same snow,

are out today

showy and cheerful and thriving.

Spring is relentless.

Try as we might,

it can’t be stopped.

Even when it’s painful

even when we aren’t prepared

even when we can’t, life goes on.      

NaPoWriMo #5 – Wild Thing

I see my grandson

at two,

running wild,

his orange curls

bouncing with each step.

He jumps and runs and climbs

with so much energy

so much fierce joy.

And I wonder

when do we lose that?

The breakneck rush

into the world

excited to go

to do

to see

to experience?

When do we become cautions,

of people

of the world

of our own selves?

We learn to  

hedge our bets and

couch our opinions in qualifiers

so as not to upset anyone, anything.

We water down our desires,

expect less,

express less,

enjoy life less.

And how do we get it back?

That vibrant life,

that wild joy we all once had

Sometimes it’s like that

My hair flaps in the wind

like a fist-full of grey ribbons,

as I stand on the ridge top

pouring curses

into the sky.

No one hears me,

which is lucky,

I guess,


hearing is a good thing.

Unless knowing is a good thing.

All the happy families

curdle in my mouth.

Their photos curl

and singe at my touch.

A picket fence of sins


before me,

and I kiss each one


though I love them so.

Then I shiver out of my straight jacket

and run towards the event horizon of my life,

curious to see how it ends.

Sunday Morning Thoughts

Take a walk around the lake
and think about things

Not your heart rate
or your calories burned
but the things you push out

of your mind
all the rest of the time

Like where have all
the years gone

how much time have you
exchanged for cash

and when will you begin
to live?

NaPoWriMo – Day #23

I walked up the hill
past the old climbing tree
and down the path
into the woods.
There is a deep layer
of dead, brown leaves
from last year,
maybe several years.
They crunch under foot,
like walking through skeletons.
Yet, the buds on the trees
are swelling, greening.
This is not morbid,
it simply is
the way things are,
life and death together.
our insistence
on separating the two,
on fearing and denying death
is what’s abnormal.

NaPoWriMo – Day #21

Today I will
fight against the chaos
of the world

today I will

today I will

today I will

today I will
a garden

today I will
food, blood, thanks

I am trying to concentrate on what I can do, not what is beyond my control.  This isn’t quite right, but within the constraints of NaPoWriMo I will publish it, and hopefully come back to work on it sometime later.

NaPoWriMo – Day #20 – Catch Up Day!


I have a lot of dreams,
where I’m lost
and I can’t get to
wherever it is I need to be

things come up
complications –
baroque and convoluted

I’m off on a tangent
trying to fix
or solve some puzzle
and meanwhile
getting no closer
to where I’m meant to be


We are tired
of staying home
of our own company
we are sick and tired
of hand washing and masks
soon we will be sick to death


I planted a garden
I tilled the soil
until it was broken up fine
then I raked it smooth

I use the
broken handle
of a hoe
to space my rows

To make the rows straight
I use two stakes with
a piece of string
tied between them

I planted a row of
Sweet Ann peas
next to that
Red Bliss potatoes
(because who doesn’t want a little more bliss in her life?)
next Little Finger carrots
Detroit Dark Red beets
(though I live in Wisconsin)
and Mixed Heirloom leaf lettuce

Now I wait
and weed
and watch for miracles

Wordless Wednesday – Where there’s life…


I know this is supposed to be wordless, but I feel the need to explain.  This is the stem of a rose; the last of a bouquet I received on December 23.  The bloom is long since spent, but I noticed a green bit, so left the stem in the vase with water.  Recently a very good friend died, somewhat unexpectedly, and I am choosing to see this as a sign of hope – of the miraculous.