Communicating with the Dead

I used to imagine
communicating with the dead
was a wispy, fine-spun thing
shrouded in mists and veils.
There must be darkness
and hands held around a table
and maybe chanting…
My eyes would most likely
roll back in my head
my body go rigid,
a voice would whisper
from somewhere beyond,
and we would all be left in a stupor
filled with awe and wonder.

But it’s not like that at all.
It’s a note
in his handwriting
tucked into a favorite book.
It’s someone mentioning her name;
maybe a story
you hadn’t heard before.
Or a story you’ve heard
a thousand times.
It’s junk mail
addressed to him,
asking for money or a vote
he can no longer give.
It’s the smell of her closet
for awhile.
It’s the work gloves you find
still stiff with the shape of his hands.

with the dead
is small, common, everyday.
It can be soft and comfortable
or piercing.
It can come at any time.

The one drawback
to communicating with the dead
is that it’s pretty much
one way.

Rumi Quote

Pale sunlight,
pale the wall.

Love moves away.
The light changes.

I need more grace
than I thought



I really will post my own words here one day, soon.  But until then I think these words are pretty cool.  I hope you do too.

Wordless Wednesday – Where there’s life…


I know this is supposed to be wordless, but I feel the need to explain.  This is the stem of a rose; the last of a bouquet I received on December 23.  The bloom is long since spent, but I noticed a green bit, so left the stem in the vase with water.  Recently a very good friend died, somewhat unexpectedly, and I am choosing to see this as a sign of hope – of the miraculous.