Wind and Fire – NaPoWriMo #26

Somewhere a fire is burning,

dry leaves and unleavened loaves

turning to ash

with unabashed women

stirring, stirring,

until the flames regain their whirling heights

hungrily devouring all in their path

souring our ideas of power  

And the dry ash flies up

on the wind

independent of even gravity,

dancing and drifting with the depravity

of fiery demons

And somewhere winds are shrieking

blowing, billowing, and peaking

above the church’s spire

higher and wilder

catching up papers, leaves, rags, and sheaves.

Then lightning strikes, it sparks and starts a fire.  

Nothing Much to Say – NaPoWriMo #25

I can almost feel blood pulsing

through the capillaries that carry it


to my fingertips

as I press the computer keys

to type this drivel.

I have nothing much to say

but I need to say it for another five days,

because April is the month of

30 poems in 30 days,

and this is only number 25.

So if you stick with me, gentle reader,

you may learn more of my

very, very ordinary life

my cats, my dog,

my weird little hangups,

and weirder little random thoughts

that stroll through my head

mostly unbidden, and usually hidden from you and you and you.